Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sports at SKRM Open Day 2012

An ice-cream treat for sister, Suha Bahirah... Thanks brother Toriq!
Paintball activity...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Flying fox at SKRM Open Day 2012

This was Toriq's (8 year old) first experience with flying fox, but he did it well. It was nerve-wrecking seeing kids flying down from 3-storey school building, but he really enjoyed it!! Excellent, Toriq! Maybe we should think of extreme sports as his alternative co-curricular activities...

People were walking around the school compound where he was supposed to land.
Getting ready...
Waiting for his turn...
Learning by observing others first...
Wearing safety hat...
Ready... go!!

Rock climbing at SKRM Open Day 2012

Toriq's (8 year old) first experience with rock climbing. Luckily his school SK Raja Muda had this activity, otherwise we wouldn't know of his sports talents, :-) Way to go, Toriq!

Waiting for his turn with school friends..

What a long queu... in this hot sunny day...

 With Adam Aiman...

Getting prepared...

The first step...

Going down.. and done!