Monday, September 15, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

SRA Bahasa Arab Tahun 4

I created a word .doc for this exam SRA Bahasa Arab Tahun 4.

Original author: Azyanjamil; source:

Reason: I couldn't download from the source due to technical errors (I tried so many times!). Hope this will benefit others, too.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Soalan interaktif Matematik Tahun 4 KSSR

I created an interactive Matematik Tahun 4 KSSR from

It has 20 questions with answers. Students can see the correct answers, their scores and get a certificate from the website! It's fun - Toriq loves to do it online than paper-based.

Click the link below to take the quiz :


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Toriq 9 years 11 month Lawak... Letter to Ibu

Toriq, my genius boy, has his own way of communicating with us - Ibu and Ayah. He will write to us whenever he needs something but unable to tell us directly.

One early morning after Subuh prayer, I found his note on our entrance door. It says something like: "Ayah, tolong turunkan basikal Toriq ye. Nanti malam Toriq pijak belakang ayah.." hahahaha....

Some of other notes I managed to take:

I came back almost midnight one day due to a workshop held by Prof Azirah at Pullman Putrajaya Hotel. I found this note... He was so worried his class teacher will take away all his textbooks if they were not wrapped so he asked for my help... It says "Tolong Toriq cover buku: 1) Toriq tak tahu, 2) Ayah mengantuk nak buat, 3) Toriq kena tidur"... Signed Toriq right after "terima kasih"... hahahaha.... that's my boy!   

Asked Ibu's help to wrap his textbooks on his very first day at school as 4th Year...
 Another was a note asking me to sign his school letter. It says "Please sign for me as I do not know how... I need to go sleep".. Cute!

Asking for signature... Notice the "terima kasih" there?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finally.... Toriq get rid of the plaster!

Writing from Assunta Hospital, Pj... outside Dr Vivekananda's room...
21 Nov 2013   11.50 am
Waiting for Toriq's turn to cut off the plaster....

Its been 4 weeks since Toriq broke his arm at SRA Sec 3 Shah Alam. We've been visiting Hospital Assunta twice n today, 3rd time.

Xray result today showed that Toriq's ulna bone has been 80% developed alhamdulillah. As a mom I was concerned if I made good decision to go with dr's advice - to remove Toriq's plaster. After consulting my mom pn kamilah n hubby, i decided to do it. Of course Toriq is the happiest person on earth today. He has been waiting patiently for 3 weeks for this moment. Every
day he will alert me countdown of his freedom. So Toriq, ibu hopes you will be more careful and try hard not to hurt yourself!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

House break-in Rumah dimasuki pencuri 8 Nov 2013 Pt1

Peristiwa yg tidak dapat dilupakan kami sekeluarga.

At about 6.30 am Ayah woke Ibu up and told her that our has been broken. Toriq who was half wake immediately got up checking the house with Ibu and Ayah. The house was still in its neat condition so we first thought Ayah was wrong. But when we checked the bathroom we were surprised to see the window grill was missing!!

We later found out that we lost 2 laptops - Ibu's and Toriq's - Ayah newly bought samsung note 3, some cash and lastly, the kids' favorite, samsung tab. Toriq was so frustrated losing all his gadgets that he always think of how the thief got in, and hiw ge could protect the whole family in the future.

Just 2 hours ago, 3 days after the incident before he went to bed he told Ibu that he couldnt get rid of get rid of the images of the thief coming into our house.

Such incident left us traumatized. Ibu noticed Toriq n Suha hiding their deposit boxes so tgat "orang jahat tak boleh ambil duit". Suha soecifically that loding her coins will mean that she wont get the chance to go to USA as she always dreaned if, and reoereadly mention to us everyday! I felt oitty for her... Toriq asked Ibu to buy tab fir him. He even gave Ibu hus deposit bix to help buying tge tab. I was sotaken back by his kind and resoonsible acts.

Toriq broke his hand 21 Oct 2013 Pt 1

21 Oct 2013 Friday

10.50am  SRA Seksyen 3 Shah Alam
Toriq bergayut di bahagian palang bumbung tempat laluan pejalan kaki sekolah. Baru habis final year exam paper Tauhid. Tiba2 terlepas pegangan pada palang dan terjatuh. Toriq tahan dgn tangan kanannya. Masa tu terasa sedikit sakit tp ditahan sakit itu hingga waktu bakik.

Ayah ambil Toriq balik dr sekolah. Nampak Toriq menahan sakit. Bila ditanya Toriq jelaskan. Sebab Ayah ada experience patah tangan, Ayah agak cemas. Tp Toriq anak yang baik yakinkan Ayah semuanya ok. So balik ke rumah spt biasa.

12 noon
Ibu dapat panggilan telefon dari Ayah, minta check x-ray Toriq. Waktu itu Ibu sedang research meeting di UM. Kelam-kabut balik ke rumah sebab Ayah perlu bersiap ke masjid solat Jumaat dan terus ke sekolah tempat dia mengajar.

Ibu call Nenek yg sedang mengaudit hospital Assunta tapi tak dapat. Atas usaha Mak Lang yg bijak ma